tobacco farmers

tobacco farmers

3Tobacco is one of Turkey’s top agricultural products. 烟草是土耳其的主要农产品之一。But some of the country’s tobacco farmers say rising operating costs linked to inflation are cutting deeply into their profits. 但该国的一些烟农表示,与通货膨胀相关的不断上升的运营成本正在大幅削减他们的利润。

>▽< 试试语音朗读:

0Abdallah said around 85 percent of tobacco farmers in southern Lebanon have left their fields due to the ongoing conflict. "Only two out of 900 farmers in Aitaroun insisted on a dangerous adventure of cultivating tobacco this year in a minimal area," he said, adding that tobacco cultivation 等会说。



14. 5. 6.好了吧!

(*?↓˙*) 试试语音朗读:

1The tobacco farmers stamped their product with seals to identify it, and certain plantations became known for better tobacco than others. Shipments of tobacco would arrive in London where they were handled by merchants, who would push one brand of tobacco for a higher price over others. These 后面会介绍。



1"当一家公司主宰市场时,就会出现这种情况。参考资料: Contract Tobacco Farmers in Zimbabwe Say They Are ‘Drowning in Debt’- OCCRP​到此结束了?。


2So tobacco farmers in Virginia began to buy land and workers. 因此,弗吉尼亚州的烟草种植者开始购买土地和工人。At first, they bought the services of poor people who had no money or jobs. 起初,他们雇佣的是没有钱也没有工作的穷人。These people were called indentured servants. 这些人被称为契约到此结束了?。


1When you buy tobacco, you are financially supporting an industry that exploits farmers and children and pedals sickness and death 36. 烟草种植者面临通过皮肤吸收尼古丁以及接触大量杀虫剂和烟草粉尘造成的健康危害。Tobacco growers are exposed to ill health by nicotine that is absorbed through the skin, 等会说。


3Cuba’s tobacco farmers take fierce pride in producing the most flavorful cigars in the world. Their nemesis is the expanding market not only for Cuban knockoffs but also for iconic Cuban brands whose leaves and labor are actually from other parts of the world, partly as a result of 说完了。




